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Malam ni gua follow blogger Kelantan.

Oleh : AdukaTaruna

Mana abanghensem? Malam ni gua follow blogger Kelantan ke Program Royalti Petrolium Kelantan. Gua ingat nak gulingkan Nik Aziz malam tu la. Then jadi MB Kelantan. Pergh.... best siot. Anak N9 jadi MB Kelantan. Sapa budak Kelantan yang setuju angkat kebot! 


  1. kn lawan gua la..hehe
    gua anak kedah tp bini org klntn...

    lu lggr gua dl la..gua pun nk post 2..hehe

  2. perghhhh,,,ini projek langgar nik aziz ke apa?...jumpa sana .

  3. AT,

    ko ni macam anjing tak bertuan.. sekejap menyalak ke sini... sekejap menyalak ke sana...tak ada pendirian...

    sebusuk2 PAS, diaoarang tu ada pegangan diaorang... ko ada ape ? ape pun takde...

    orang macam ko ni patut di haramkan tulis blog...

    macam aku cakap kemaren, ikat jer si Khairul Nizam nih kat tambak Johor... lepas tu, sapa lalu, jentik telor dia...sorang sekali...

    klo 1000 orang lalu sehari, seribu kali jentik...

    ikat dia seminggu pun dah ok...

    lepas tu, mesti dia cakap pun macam pompuan...

    Khairul, rupa ko dah macam sial...perangai pun macam sial... rupanya, ko memang sial...

  4. hoi aizley ko dah sama mcm aduka klu ko kata org ko pun sama mcm yg dikatanya... mcm ko tu best sgt semayang sunat brapa byk ko buat kurang2 masa dlm lokap 2,3 org foolow dia semayang jemaah ko ada buat camtu....

  5. ikan,

    whats up ur ass ? relax la brader...

    dia ingat dia kutu... dia ingat dia terror... skarang ni biar la nahas sampai kat dia...


    you think by saying sorry, all that he wrote before will go away just like that ?

    sorry la brader... kena la hukuman setimpal dari kita semua dulu...

    "Khairul Nizam tu rupa macam sial, tulis macam sial... rupa2 nya memang sial !"

    itu motto macam 1Malaysia buat AdukatakGuna...

  6. Hahaha.
    Gua nak gelak puas2.
    Kah kah kah.
    Si Aizley a.k.a defense contractor based in Jakarta (under Gov payroll), also graduated cum laude (I hope) in aeronotikal injiniring, must be giler smart smart ass la..

    Dia suh AT diharamkan tulis blog, tp dia buh blog AT dlm blog list dia. If u hate him so much kan, dont bother knowing what he write la kan. Nih dah kes ludah ludah pastuh jilat balik....

    marah marah sayang ke bro...

    kah kah kah.

    Wat malu RMC jek. takde pendirian la lu.

    Blah la. nak tunjuk garang kunun. Nak muntah gua. Malin lg best dr lu.

  7. Bumbllebee aka ikan aka adukatakGuna..

    macam orang tak tau ini semua bogus account ko... sendiri fuck up.. sendiri mau cover lobang bontot...

    memang aku terror...

    sebab aku taruk ko punyer blog, senang hari2 aku nak belasah ko punyer article yg sememangnya bodoh gile...

    ngaku pas... tapi pas tak ngaku ahli... sokong UMNO tapi orang UMNO tak terima... ngaku Melayu tapi kutuk Sultan...

    "Khairul Nizam, muka ko aku tengok dalam TV macam sial, ko tulis pun macam sial... rupa2 ko memang sial !"

  8. Wah..

    For a moment there, I thought you were really smart, considering the fact that you were once graduated as an engineer, not to mention the fact that you claimed urself to be a 'defense contractor' based in Jakarta.

    What a waste.

    You are a dumbass for even considering bumblebee to be a bogus account on behalf of AdukaTaruna.

    Kah kah kah.

    No wonder AT once said something about UMNO supporter being the lowest of 'intelligent' and stuff.

    I honestly wont bother responding to your antics.

    (Just for the record, AT cant even spell the word 'intelligence')

    Wakakakaka. Dumbass. Makes me wanna throw up.

  9. "Bumbllebee aka ikan aka adukatakGuna..

    macam orang tak tau ini semua bogus account ko... sendiri fuck up.. sendiri mau cover lobang bontot..."

    haha...dia igt lu org,org yg sama.haha.gua gelak guling2 sial...

    lu boleh ganti malin la.rajin2 la masuk sini.boleh hiburkan hati gua.kah kah kah!

  10. saya rasa adukataruna@khairulnizam@bumblebee itu makhluk yang sama. terdapat pada dirinya ciri-ciri seperti pengikut dajjal.

  11. Heran gak macamana si Aizley tu exco Putera UMNO sebab kalau dia dah pernah buat Masters, sudah tentu dia tak layak jadi ahli Putera.

    Kalau betul pun dia ahli Putera, nampak sangat pulak dia ni jenis tak ada telor sebab cuma mampu duduk bermastautin bersama-sama golongan remaja dan mat rempit walaupun setelah mempunyai Masters. Tidakkah kalangan Pemuda UMNO sendiri boleh menerima pandangan seorang yg mempunyai Masters dari UK bernama Aizley Shahar ni?

    Kalau dia hanya layak duduk di kalangan mat rempit dalam Putera UMNO, kenapa agaknya dia nak tunjukkan dirinya yg tiada telor tu di blog2 anti UMNO yg dipenuhi oleh orang2 dewasa?

    Shooh shooh Aizley Shahar pergi main jauh jauh...nak ambik singgit ni!!

  12. minda melayu bagi komen cam ampess,pikir dgn kepala lutut melebihi kepala otak,mampuih!!

  13. -bumblebee, lu komen mcm mat saleh ar, bole ar lu wat tuisyen ajar wa wa nk evelyn jd cikgu wa,hahaha..

    -abg joe, kalu btul si Aizley nie exco putera, ape nk diherankan..cube tgk ketua putera umno, kan si mamat melayu celup yg dakwa kna blasah dek org2 pr ms prk bagan pinang, umur mamat tue dah brape?..dlm umno, umur xkisah, even sayap parti tue utk bdak2 bwah umur pun, slagi bole wat duit, yg jd bapak budak pun bole join..duit maa, org umno lemah lutut bile tgk duit, kg melayu pun bole trgdai..btul x aizley? bdak RMC ke?..wa arap lu x trlibat ngan khilangan pedal minyak keta kebal..kes nie blum trsebar lg..hahaha..dumbass!!!..

  14. Ketua Putera tu tak kisah la. Sebab dia pun yg mula kan Putera tu from scratch, so must give him credit gak. Lagi pun dia tu degree pun beli punya... so apa nak diharapkan?

    Yg sekor ni... kononya dari RMC, Air Force Academy, University of Leicester .... TAAAPIIII ... dok dalam Putera?????

    Boleh percaya ke? Aku tak percaya, sebab takkan bos dia nak orang highly qualified macam ni jadi exco dia. It goes against the image of Putera UMNO.

    Aku rasa mamat Aizley ni kelentong, serupa macam idola dia yg beli degree tu. Aku nak gi tanya US AFA mintak confirm mamat ni pun aku rasa buang masa saja...

  15. hmm...Pada pengalaman & pengamatan aku, dalam UMNO tak ramai pemimpin yang cerdik pun di peringkat bahagian. Cawangan apatah lagi. Ketua Pemuda Negeri pun takat SPM saja. Yang cerdik pandai tak masuk UMNO ke? Atau boleh masuk tapi jangan harap boleh naik (memimpin) sebab dimainkan (dibodohkan) oleh yg belajar tak tinggi mana tu? Tapi memang boleh naik juga tapi kena paham budaya politik UMNOlah. Kena bikin networking (Pengaruh & sokongan) & ada Duit untuk melobi & car pengaruh. Lagi cepat buat tapak & banyak tabur duit, cepatlah merasa naik... pikir tengok.

    Ok walaupun akademik tak berapa penting dalam UMNO untuk naik pangkat, tapi biarlah yang memimpin tu ada akhlak elok. Kalau ada 2 2 lagi bagus.

  16. Pada yang nak tau...klo aku ni exco putera malaysia atau tidak...

    list dia ni hah..

    sila check nama aku kat situ.... ini site Pemuda UMNO Malaysia...

    (Mohd Aizli Shahar Bin Abdul Malek)

    untuk aku punyer US Air Force Academy punye credential...ada gambar aku dan cerita pasal aku dalam Utusan Malaysia

    pada orang Hanz Adi, AbgJoe, zargus.... check dulu sebelum terlanjur kata.... korang jangan nak heran sangat si ADUKATAKGUNA nih kami semua dah tengok kat dia nih...spotlight skarang kat dia...

    menghina sultan, menghina Islam....salah satu tugas aku dalam PUTERA UMNO ada menjaga Mat-Mat Rempit...banyak cara kita gunakan untuk menbetulkan keadaan... agak2 tak dengar... kita ada "cara" kita untuk membetulkan Khairul Nizam...


  17. hins..hins..(kembang kempis).marilah tgk gua punya belum gua tunjuk pencapaian sukan kat sekolah dulu.

    ya kita ada "cara" nak betulkan khairul nizam.iaitu:(rujuk semula posting pertama)

    "ikat jer si Khairul Nizam nih kat tambak Johor... lepas tu, sapa lalu, jentik telor dia...sorang sekali...
    klo 1000 orang lalu sehari, seribu kali jentik...
    ikat dia seminggu pun dah ok...
    lepas tu, mesti dia cakap pun macam pompuan...
    Khairul, rupa ko dah macam sial...perangai pun macam sial... rupanya, ko memang sial.."

    kah! kah! kah!


  18. Salam...

    you will be treated as you deserve...if you think you want to be treated as a gentleman, be one... and most of us will treat you as a Gentleman... even if we have different political standing and ideology...

    for a person like Khairul Nizam, he has no respect for others believe and our respects toward the Malay Sultanate... he got what he deserve... and this is only coming from me, we have other Malays, be it PKR, UMNO or PAS that is not happy with Khairul Nizam's comments on Islam too...

    so, Taliban, or who ever you are, stand aside...because you are standing in the line of fire... salam...

  19. Selamat berpagi2 semua..weh zargus, lu nak bercikgu cikgi ngan Evelyn ke.. toksah la bro, dia tgh nyorok tuh, ada ASP Bukit Aman tgh ngorat dia. kah kah kah. gua pun berguru ngan dia maaa. hua hua hua.

    Eh. malas aku nak baca komen bodoh c Aizley nih. serupa mat rempit yg main ugut2, cuma nya dia nih mat rempit yg reti spiking inglish.

    "syuh syuhhh.."

    ini blog tempat org yg IQ ada lebey sket tawwwww... yg IQ rendah2, pi main jauh2...

    Nah, amik tender gomen nih, pi main jauh jauh kat jakarta...


    p/s: AbgJoe, welcome back, lama tak nampak bro komen. ngeeee...

  20. Aduishh pecah perut aku pagi2 ni baca pasal Aizley ni... hahahaha

    Ni pencapaian dia yg 'berjaya mengharumkan nama Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia' - Aizli berjaya membuat 21 kali mendagu (heaving), lompatan kira-kira 2.7 meter, 90 sit-ups, 70 tekan tubi (push-ups) dan lari sejauh kira-kira 600 meter dalam masa 1 minit 35 saat.

    Aku nak gelak lagi... hahahahaha

    Benda2 tu, trainer2 kat Fitness First hari2 pun boleh buat. huhuhu berair mata aku wehhhh ... mengharumkan nama TUDM tu!!!

    Ingatkan Aizley ni grad 4 flat ke, atau pun boleh bawak F-15, F-16, FA-18 dan F-22 sebelum dia balik Msia, baru la harum nama TUDM. TUDM tu kan ke Air Force, mesti lah buat sesuatu yg berkaitan jet2 yg cangih2 ni... bukan nya buat benda yg orang kampung pun boleh buat!

    Itu pun nak dibangga...patut lah dia dok kat dalam Putera tu... hahaha ... geli aku!!

  21. Eh Melayu...

    takkan aku nak tunjuk semua kot ? nanti kata aku eksyen pulak kat hamjar2 kat sini....

    cukup la bukak sikit2... nanti aku tunjuk abis korang ternganga...

    korang tanya klo aku ni Exco Putera dgn US Air Force Acadamy.... aku bagi tu jer lah...

  22. -Slamat pagi sume..dah la aizley nk trberak plak aku bace pncapaian ko yg 'mmbnggakan' tu..wa bole wat tekan tubi sbelah tgn gune satu jari kelinking sbyk 100 kali pun wa tak msuk dlm resume wa, lu bole plak nk rakyat bace seorang exco putera mmpunyai fitness bdan yg tggi tp fitness otak yg rendah, mmg bile dah msuk umno secara automatik IQ n EQ akan jd rendah..

    -dr lu melalak kt sini, wa nk dgr gak pndapat lu RMC dah dibuka utk kaum bkn melayu, lu ngan bdak2 RMC x berdemo ke mcm bdak2 uitm?..nie dah kira mncabar ketuanan melayu!!..errr, lu tau x psal isu nie? msih sibuk wat push up?..hahaha

  23. Syor tindakan blog pertikai mahkamah

    MUAR: Pergerakan Pemuda Umno meminta pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan terhadap penulis blog yang membuat pelbagai kenyataan menghina mahkamah dengan mempertikaikan keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan yang memutuskan pelantikan Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir sebagai Menteri Besar oleh Sultan Perak setahun lalu adalah sah.

    Naib Ketuanya, Datuk Razali Ibrahim, berkata beliau sendiri membaca banyak blog yang menggunakan pelbagai ayat secara sinis dan jelas mempertikaikan sistem perundangan negara, sekali gus menghina mahkamah.

    Katanya, jika kenyataan itu tidak dihentikan, beliau sendiri tidak menolak kemungkinan membuat laporan polis jika terbukti penulis blog menuduh kerajaan atau parti Umno mendalangi keputusan mahkamah.

    "Saya meminta kenyataan itu dihentikan dan meminta pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mana-mana pihak yang membuat kenyataan menghina mahkamah," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Kelas Tuisyen 1Malaysia Parlimen Muar dan penyampaian sumbangan Tahun Baru Cina, di Pekan Parit Yusof, di sini semalam.


  24. Dari Blog Minda Tajdid Dr Asri

  25. salam..sape2..g la report polis wei..AdukaTakguna BODOH 7ketrunan ni hina istri nabi,hina org felda n bahasakan lu gua dgn Allah..taubatla ko dh jmpe psikiatri blom..cube ko ingt btl2..pnh x kepale ko terhantuk ms kecik smpai ko jd bodoh kwn2 adukatakguna ni..snyp je..

  26. Zargus,

    Wah, kira lu nih terror la bro, boleh tinggal la aku klo kita ambik IQ/EQ test... fuhhh... caya la melayu nihh... tak sia2 macam pepatah melayu... "Menang sorak, kampung tergadai !"

    ko nih memang la tipikal melayu bodoh sombong, bab bodoh tu.. tak boleh nak ditolong laa... mungkin keturunan ko memang kurang pandai... mak bodoh bapak ko pun bodoh... takkan tiba2 zargus cerdik ? betul tak bro ?

    tapi bab sombong ko tu... masyallah, kadang2 tu aku pun tak paham... yg nak back up sangat si sial adukatakguna ni apahal ? ko nih gay partner dia ke ? dia kutuk raja, dia kutuk Islam... still ko nak back up dia...?

    sebelum ko tanye aku tentang RMC tu nak bukak ke tak ke bukan Melayu... ko check la dulu RMC tu untuk Melayu je ker ato tidak...

    Bila ko tanya aku macam tu... terserlah lagi kebodohan kau tu....


    untuk pengatahuan ko... RMC tu memang semua boleh masuk... termasuk bukan melayu... tapi ikut dasar 70/30....bumi/non-bumi...

  27. seingat gua baru2 jek najib cakap pasal buka 30% pada non malay ni.Ikut news 17hb Jan.Ker dari dulu mmg mcm tu.

    Kira pengumuman saja2 la kot ni.Cam projek2 biasa korg yg boleh rasmi 3,4 kali utk political milage?ke mcm mana?

    Kalau khalid cadang bukang uitm utk non malay boleh pulak korang berdemo sakan.Kali ni mungkin tak boleh sbb "Malay power" korang takleh exceed 1malaysia.

    Bro..semua org well known sapa UMNO n pemuda UMNO.Kitorg pon hidup sekeliling lu org gak.Tayah la poyo cam bagus sgt

  28. serius ak x sngke,komen org ade title datok.penah blaja oversea mcm ni je?ni klo dpn2 dgn AT ni kne gulai jela.cume klo speaking english AT la yg kne...ngeh2.mcm mn la org mcm ni leh come out dgn jentik2 telo ni.gile byk gile ms org mcm ko ni nk komen2,men internet..

  29. Xenan,

    kan bagus tu tanya baik2... ada la beradat dan beradab orang melayu....

    sejak penubuhan RMC pada tahun 1952, RMC memang terbuka kepada semua kaum, Melayu, Cina dan India... termasuk lah mamat grago...mat salleh celop....

    Ramai Menteri2 Cina bekas pelajar RMC... termasuk lah YAB Tun Ling Liong Sik...

    Yg YAB DS Najib announce tu adalah sebahagian dari program 1Malaysia... memandangkan RMC sahaja lah sekolah bersama penuh (SBP) Terbaik yang membuka kepada semua kaum... ini macam re-branding la bro...

    aku klo orang tanya baik2... aku tak de hal,.. boleh jawab baik2... tapi klo nak beradu kutuk mengutuk nih... jangan ko pikir ko sorang jer terror...


  30. Yg YAB DS Najib announce tu adalah sebahagian dari program 1Malaysia... memandangkan RMC sahaja lah sekolah bersama penuh (SBP) Terbaik yang membuka kepada semua kaum... ini macam re-branding la bro...

    Kenyataan yang agak vague. U mean RMC is the only SBP yg terbuka pada semua kaum? Saya produk SBP jugak, and I can assure you I am non Malay,and certainly not from RMC.

  31. -wei aizley bdak fitness, thanx bg info ttg RMC mmg dah lame bukak utk non malay, so yg zahid umumkan aritu just nk pancing non malay je la?..kunun2 declare bnda baru sdangkan mmg dah trmaktub non malay mmg bole msuk..sape yg bodo atau dibodohkan ni?..

    -'menang sorak, kg trgadai', frasa nie elok sgt umno yg tlg jawab utk kes singapura, pulau batu puteh, tanah ktm kt singapura, kwasan tdahan air kat johor, wilyah iskandariah, kg berembang(ampang), kg dato senu 9sentul), kg puah (sentul),kg kerinchi (kl), kg abdullah hukum )kl)dan yg trbaru cubaan utk mnjual kg baru (kl) kpd para cukong dan yg pasti geng putra,pemuda,petua,wanita,puteri UmngoK sdng meleleh air liur tgk nilai kg baru skang,sume nie hasil tgn sape yer?..fakap ar lu!!!pejuang bngsa konon, cukong hulur duit lemah pale ltut,ilang fitness!!

    -wa akui wa mmg bodo sbb tue wa blaja n akan blaja smpai ke liang lahat tp sebodo wa , wa xkan sokong parti yg fakap yg snggup jual tanah sndri yg sggup roboh umah peneroka bndar hnya krna duit haram!!..khakk tuiihh!!..

    -hina Islam?..kalu diulas tang mane umno hina islam, mau lu brdemo smbil push up depan umah wa nti..hahahaha..

    -ketua pemuda yg trang2 rasuah pun korang bole plih lg..oppss, bkn rasuah, tp politik wang..sori yerk..hahaha..

  32. Aiyaa..rebranding eh.hahaha.

    who will win...Malay Power vs 1Malaysia, i wonder.

    Nampak cam najib jek dok sungguh2 1Malaysia n yg lain2 sungguh2 tunggang najib.kesian..

    Lu salah besar bila pk nak berpolitik kene join mana2 party.We promote political activism without party here.No more blind support

    Ade kaji kemenangan Obama?

    Lagi ramai org awam bukan ahli democrat yg promote Obama dari democrat sendiri.Nama org awam tak berparty mcm Michele Moore tetiba muncul n support Obama.Tuh pasal die menang.

    Thats the future bro.Tak lamalagi org cam bro akan pupus.Even money can't selamatkan seat exco lu pas ni.

  33. -wa kutip dr TT utk abg askar gagah kite..





  34. Evelyn,

    I did say the BEST ie Terbaik,... didn't I ? I did not say it was the only multi ethnic SBP... that is a dime a dozen...


    Don't be surprise, a lot of politic practitioner are very well verse in blogging, twitter, Facebook... because we do know what kind of audiences and demography that we are target for...that you don't have to worry...

  35. Zargus,

    ko betul macam "menang sorak, kampung tergadai !"

    ko gelak.. ko ni orang siam ke orang Spore ?

    yg ko cakap orang luar gelak tu... bukan kat aku sorang... kat ko skali la melayu ! ehh bengong la ko nih...

    aku tak cakap la UMNO nih betul... ada yg tak betul, kita masuk, kita betulkan... bukan cerita kutuk sana, kutuk sini...

    ko ingat PR tu bagus sangat ke ? ehh dulu aku pun PKR la bro, aku masuk sama dgn Zul Nordin la bro... tapi dok lama2 kat situ sangap dgn DAP lahh...DAP tu nak guna Melayu jer nak dapat 2/3 parlimen....

    anyway, tak payah masuk bab tu... kita dok cerita si adukatakguna ni pun dah cukup...

    Dia tak tahu, Raja2 adalah benteng terakhir bangsa melayu... bila ada melayu macam adukatakguna nih lah.. patut di hindarkan secepat yg mungkin...

    memang la... raja2 pun bukan lah baik sangat... tapi, kita bukan tengok raja itu atas dasar persorangan... kita lihat raja itu atas dasar perlembagaan... dan tugas dia memelihara kedudukan orang melayu di dalam perlembagaan fasal 153 para 4.4//

    ok bro ? dahh jom sholat Jumaat...

  36. 2 isu yg ak rs ak gtaw.1 ko nye impression xbgus sbb ckp jntik2 telo ni typical mlayu uneducated.ak rs kt msia ni ad 1bnde yg silap,politician adlh civil servant just like any civil posmen dbyr utk anta surt.politician dbyr utk urus negara.nothing more n nothing less.3rd world coutry mcm kite je yg favour ahli politik.kt non english speaking country,no one give a damn abt politician..AT lpas ni klo ad plihanraya kecil,lu kempen supaya org bwat undi rosak,dgn tulisan rosak.bia mat BN n mat PR ni nganga.igt org xde suara ke?abis pilihanraya abis politik la.

  37. Rakuban,

    i can be the most civilized person you meet... and i also can be the most trashes person you ever encounter... If this adukatakguna has to be made an example of not to be... well, in my dictionary, sacrifice has to be made to get the rest of the flock in line..

    You think this sial boy has any supporter ? he will be lucky if he doesn't get beat up by the masses if he declare himself in public...ask him to do it in Johor Bahru la bro...comfirm lembik kena ludah bro...

    You talking about politician to be govt servant ? do you know what you talking about bro ? have you been serving the govt before ? I personally serve the country for 12 years... so, stop talking something that you have no clue...

  38. Wow example,

    Example mcm zaman Dr Mahathir vs Sultan dulu tuh ke?Habis semua rahsia sultan dibocor terang2 dlm soratkhabar.

    "he will be lucky if he doesn't get beat up by the masses if he declare himself in public"

    Nape tanak ckp ckp ayat sama kat Mahathir. Mahathir yg ajar melayu pasal rahsia2 hitam sultan n lu tayah belajar kat obersea pon untuk predict chain reaction die.

    Party mana pulak siap tabal sultan lain kat kelantan dulu?Itu dah taraf derhaka nak rampas kuasa dah.

    i dun favor kesultanan but i believe on rule of law.AT dah masuk court so be it.Penghina2 sultan dari dulu sampai sekarang bila nak kne masuk court pulak?

    Skang ada hati nak tunjuk ajar pulak kat sini

    Ape sangat AT wat kalu nak banding ngn ape party lu dah wat?Lu ingat org buta ke?

    Lu cuma mamat pengikut budaya hipokrit UMNO jer bro.Malu2 la sikit bro

  39. Aizley ni typical la ahli UMNO. Masuk hanya nak cari makan. Kalau nak betulkan UMNO tak payah la susah2 masuk UMNO. Mimpi pun jangan.

    Tapi apa dia buat sebagai defense contractor tinggal kat indon sana? Jadi spy malaysia ke? Nak supply kat defense indo? Jgn harap la diorang nak beli melalui org malaysia. Just imagine, exco putera umno involve in defense industry, tinggal di indonesia, tapi ambik berat orang macam aduka taruna ni?

    Apa punya exco la mamat ni. Patutnya duduk la kat kl tolong bos dia perbetulkan mat rempit2 putera umno tu.

  40. Aku rasa kalau si Aizley dgn Aduka dua-dua pun berdiri kat JB tu, yg kena belasah si Aizley ni...

    hahaha... habis lunyai bontot dia... muka jambu haha...

  41. 1. geng, mamat aizley nih tipikal UMNO supporter ma. blind to the core. hopeless case dah nih. anggap la dia nih malin replacement. dah lama malin tak muncul.. malin takde, aizley pon jadik la. kah kah kah.

    2. gua masih kompius tentang apa maksud this ex government servant by saying this:

    and i also can be the most trashes person you ever encounter... If this adukatakguna has to be made an example of not to be... well, in my dictionary, sacrifice has to be made to get the rest of the flock in line..

    so lu nak cakap yg by hentam aduka with name calling, you'd be getting the rest of the flock in line? wakakakaka. bodoh ya amat strategi nih. mana hujjah lu bro? which part sebenarnya lu tak setuju dgn aduka nih?? lu nak ajar budak aduka nih dgn cara ludah dia secara berjemaah? itu the UMNO PUTERA way of dealing with hooligans ka? kah kah kah.


    have you been serving the govt before ? I personally serve the country for 12 years... so, stop talking something that you have no clue...

    we are not comparing who served the government or who serve the people. but we are arguing what has been done, the roles, etc. lu tak paham ke apa maksud xenan? nih i copy paste for you.

    Lu salah besar bila pk nak berpolitik kene join mana2 party.We promote political activism without party here.No more blind support

    Ade kaji kemenangan Obama?

    Lagi ramai org awam bukan ahli democrat yg promote Obama dari democrat sendiri.Nama org awam tak berparty mcm Michele Moore tetiba muncul n support Obama.Tuh pasal die menang.

    Thats the future bro.Tak lamalagi org cam bro akan pupus.Even money can't selamatkan seat exco lu pas ni.

    it translate to this: who gives a fuck about which party you belongs to? cara berparti nih dah outdated. the future lies not in being partisan. the future lies with people power. the rakyat. something that UMNO totok will never understand. and also PAS totok included.

    get it bro?

    if tak paham2 jugak, baca lagik sekali. lu nak megah2 ngan UMNO n PUTERA and whatnot shits, this aint the place la.

    kah kah kah!

  42. Evelyn, sorry lama tak jenguk blog H1N1 tu...

  43. Joe,

    ko lah satu lagi contoh tipikal melayu yang tidak ada pandangan jauh...

    aku dah dok kat Jakarta nih lebih 3 tahun... dan alhamdulilah, kami dah support Indonesian Air Force aircraft serviceability...

    Ko ingat kami dalam UMNO tak capable ke ? harap Gomen Malaysia punye project jer ? itu UMNO dulu bro...

    Bukan aku nak kata aku terror... tapi memang bro...sia2 la belajar tinggi2 klo nak buat kerje dalam negeri jer bro...

    aku tak heran la project kat Malaysia nih... aku masuk UMNO sebab aku ada pendirian...aku nak betulkan mana yang aku mampu... can you say that about yourself ?

    takde salah nya UMNO nih... mungkin setengah2 pemimpin dia saja... takkan satu pisang busuk ko setandan ko nak buang ?

    aku klo kat JB ? takde hal bro.. hometown aku tuh...

    ko adjust bila masa Khairul Nizam Hamjar tu nak turun JB...

    kita tengok sapa yg lunyai...

  44. Mr Aizley, you are the servant of UMNO. UMNO has its own agenda, and you just another kuli for their greater wealth. tak yah nak deny. thats the simplest explanation for someone like you...

    AT was right. org macam Aizley nih, is like the 'lowest ranking' on the 'totem pole'.

    Good luck interpreting that..

    Kah kah kah!

  45. Aizley,

    Sedara mara aku ada antara ahli MT UMNO tu. Aku tak heran langsung dgn UMNO ni. Kalau aku guna kabel2 aku ni, dah lama aku pakai Porsche.

    Aku sendiri meniaga mencari projek, baik dgn kerajaan ataupun GLC malah Indonesia pun aku pergi. Aku menjual dgn usaha aku sendiri, diorang beli sebab diorang perlu bukan sebab diarah membeli benda yg tak perlu macam yg biasa jadi dgn projek2 kosong UMNO ni - projek mega2 tapi end result kosong sebab projek yg tak perlu hanya untuk mengkaya kan geng2 diorang.

    Indonesia aircraft industry dah lama maju la, kalau nak bandingkan dgn kau punya 'experience' yg tah seberapa tu, technician diorang yg berapa ribu tu lagi pandai la. Apa barang indo nak beli kepakaran aircraft dari malaysia???

  46. serving country is a thing,serve with with efficienly is the biggest engineering graduate u shud know well,effieciency is the most important thing in in u've been in america b4.i think u know better.i am not his supporter,but in political view i regard him as brilliant.beat up by the masses?what century is malaysia in?is here africa or any 5th world country?i think u get used to indonesia,where their police is inefficient .about his remark on sultan,i wont defend him.that's his matter.honestly i dont quite understand what makes politician any special than ordinary civil servant?
    actually as matter of principle i dont like to speak or write in english.not as maly special right,it's just that our offical language is malay.i even speak proper malay with chinese,not with chinese slang.but i made exception here,writing in english.
    Evelyn studied in australia b4,I’ve question.did u see any politician being escorted?

    ps:excuse my poor english.hope u wont make it as issue..

  47. Hurm..I've seen John Howard being escorted AWAY from our campus because we were joining forces demonstrating in front of our campus's gate, to avoid him from entering our campus because we loath the sight of him.


    So yeah, I've seen politician being escorted AWAY because we dont want him to be there. Hehe

    Other than that, in Malaysia, I have no idea, as I have no interest whatsoever in any politician, they can all fly kites for all I care.

  48. -duk sibuk2 lg ngan AT hina sultan, tp die tak sedar kes 'natang' kat trganu ditujukan utk agung, kes madey selongkar habis hal raja2 n mnghapuskan imuniti raja2 pd thun 94, kes mb selangor bwk lari anak prempuan sultan selgor, kes umno tabal sultan lain sdgkan msih ade sultan lg kt klantan, weih fakap @ exco putera @ exco pemuda, lu tau x kes nie?..btul la kate madey, melayu mudah lupe..

    -tipikal pnyokong totok umno akan brfikiran same mcm aizley, sian abis IQ n EQ jd zero bile join Umngok..

  49. I think its time AT reopen topics about Malay genetics. Remember his argument pasal Malay brain size? Aizley will be the perfect example of successful Malay origin, he is blessed with good looks, good academics, spotless credentials. He even fly planes! And he is a Malay. But he is also UMNO supporter, and an Exco plak tu. So lets put Aduka theories to the test, again, shall we?


    Aizley, you might be interested in Aduka's theory about Malays that are generally lacking in everything because, according to him, Malay has smaller brain size and hence, slightly 'stupid' on the intelligent scales. This few reads might pique you, but hey, its interesting..

  50. Joe,

    no need to tell me you got cable here, cable are who you are...what you write is how you will be judged..

    Honestly, I couldn't careless if you have relatives in UMNO.. MT some more.. talking about boasting... hahaha... melayu melayu...nak pakai porsche jer ke ? kira tu dah terror habis la joe ? come la to Jakarta... I will pick you up in mine...

    nor do I have to prove myself to you what I have personally achieve here in Jakarta...

    Please, do not talk about something that you know nuts about.. I been in the aviation industry for almost 20 years... be it flying or in maintaining it...

    Yes, with your shallow exposure to IaE... you said that we Malaysian don't have an edge because you "think" they are more advance then us Malaysian, not true la Melayu, you are a typical Malay "Kalah sebelum mencoba..." patut la bangsa asing dok pijak kepala, ada melayu macam ko nih joe..."

    fyi, we do have our expertise in certain area that we are capable in penetrating market like Indonesia, Vietnam and even as far as Peru...specifically, cannot tell you laah... not because of anything but I'm also bound to confidentiality with my customers..

    actually, with the info i just divulge to you, if you are smart, you can figure it out... but, i pretty sure that your im quite safe...

  51. wa sokong lu abg joe,

    teringat buku gua baca macam mana sokarno "trick" amerika untuk jadi antara negara pertama pakai C 130 zaman 1960.

  52. Xenan,

    Makin lama aizley ni melalut, makin aku tak percaya mamat ni.

    Apa yg dia cerita pasal diri dia ni adalah antithesis kepada ciri-ciri ahli UMNO tambah lagi golongan pemimpin diorang. Contoh terbaik ialah KJ. Seorang yg paling bertokoh, tinggi pelajarannya, berkarisma, bijak berfikir dan pandai berhujah. Tapi, gaya dan tingkahlaku serta gayahidup dia masih mencerminkan UMNO.

    Nak dibanding dgn Aizley ni? alahai...

  53. Ms Evelyn,

    which part of Australia are you studying ?

    I read a bit about adukatakguna's write up... which honestly i think it is not worth while to read...trashy writing and it is good only in the delete bin...

    How are things in Melbourne ? are colored/asian there getting fair treatment as they hoped to get ? Our family used to have an apartment just right outside of RMIT...sold it as soon as my younger brother finished his study there...

    Tell me honestly, don't you get racist remarked from the local there ?

    How is it compere back to Malaysia ?

    Don't you think Malaysia is still the best option for Chinese Malaysian ?

  54. Joe,

    im disappointed in you la Melayu... cakap macam terror... rupanya tak terror...

    now you have become defensive pulak... amende ni joe ? gone to personnal attack...

    you are just a waste of time la bro...

    better i concentrate on Ms Evelyn.. maybe she can enlighten me on how the Malaysian Chinese is treated in Australia... not that i don't know.. just want to know if she is honest enough to tell me...


  55. Aizley,

    Iv googled your info and from what iv seen, i can safely surmise your character. heck.. even yr house address and GPS coordinates are publicised!

    Im not interested in what you do, neither do i care about yr political aspirations. Im writing here simple because I want to understand how you think.

    A thousand guys like you in UMNO will not change it, and thus it will be doomed will all certainty. Without me even batting an eyelid. But if there is a thousand members like Aduka in UMNO, then PR will surely tremble with fear!

  56. Joe,

    Adukatakguna is not in UMNO is he.. nor are you... from the few posting that you have put up...

    I did say i'm going to change UMNO all by myself... if needed 1000 UMNO member like me to do it.. so be it... at least we are trying to change it...

    It is like if you want to change something in the "House"... you have to actually come into the house... and do the changes from inside the house...if you want to change the "curtain" or maybe you do not like the "light".... or even you want to paint the house differently... you have to come in so that others will hear your voice... Im not gonna say it is easy, i have my share of disappointment in getting my idea across to the old guard but hey, it is better compere to you Joe...

    You are like a stray dog... barking outside the gate of the "House"

    ain't nobody is listening !!!

  57. Ok2.


    House = UMNO ?

    Nak renovation from within?

    Nah. tak minat nak renovate.

    We want DEMOLITION of the HOUSE!


    Kah kah kah!

    Go go people power!!

  58. encik Aizley Shahar,
    kt bcakap psl politic wise,bukn how non white are treated in's
    typical in english speaking country,their ppl is racist.sbg engineer graduate,
    tgk bnde ikut konteks la bai.
    klo ko engineer,kate ferrari ni kete trbaik d dunia,without highlight kn ape yg bgus.
    ko x lyak nk pngil diri ko engineer.
    dr segi politik kt leh ikut,d mane politician xde sp nk hormat pon,no one give fucking shit about them.
    umno nk rosak,ke nk rembat duit ke.ko nk btulkn ke.i dont fucking care.
    just jgn bazirkn n rembat public fund!!that's it goes with pakatan.PR jgn
    igt,bile BN corrupt solution nye adlh PR.we dont care much abt ur our country efficiently,
    i wont bother even to read news.nk naikkn minyak go on,tp public transport kne provide la.
    ak skong PAS klo kt bckp psl islamic state n ad usaha ke arah dialog n acedemic way,
    just like AT bnde2 ni smua kne balance.buat hudud,ekonomi still capitalist,it wont work! 4ur info,
    ak xhrmat pn kt politician PR,be it nik aziz.cium2 tagn ni,kirim salam je la.i2 tagn nik aziz,
    tagn anwar...sori naik lori r.jgn tnye tanye najib r.mentaliti negara dunia ke 3 je tgk knderaan ni sbg alat mewah2!.ak ikutkn mls
    nk layn internet argument,tp org berprofile mcm en encik Aizley Shahar,ni mmbuatkn ak rs nk mnulis.sori klo trasa being offended.

  59. bumblebee...

    that ain't gonna happened bro...just accept the fact... the house will be there...insyallah...

    People power ? which people bro ? Melayu ka ? Cina ka ato India ?

    ato ko ingat Bangsa Malaysia ?

    I'm sure you guys familiar with the children story about the big bad wolf and the three piglet...

    One piglet built his house from straw, and one little piglet built his house from wood and the youngest little piglet from brick...

    the big bad wolf (which is you, since you want to demolish the house)....probably you can the straw one lah bro... that is similar to PKR... even as we are speaking 4 are defecting to us...the three Zs and one W... with the head is CIFU BABI...hahaha... confirm terburai bai !!!

    the wood one is either PAS or DAP lahh... not so strong, but it is harder to blow...but not with hudud the other is Malaysia Malaysia...when cruch met the shove... ain't gonna work bro..

    and lastly... the brick....the house that I'm in.... maybe it is not a perfect house... but its going to be there for a long time...

    as for bumblebee, adukatakguna, Rakuban and guys are worse... you are stray dogs... ie anjing liar... trying to get into all the houses but nobody is the only thing we can do is to put you to "sleep"...

    or just let you bark away... it won't make any different...because you are actually insignificant...

  60. People power ? which people bro ? Melayu ka ? Cina ka ato India ?

    ato ko ingat Bangsa Malaysia ?

    what can i say?
    you are racist to the core.
    see, you are the true colour of UMNO racist.

    kah kah kah!

  61. huhu,

    jijik nyer manusia UMNO ni.

    Nak kata akhlak bagus pon racist

    Nak kata pembela melayu pon, perosak lagi ada la.Sultan pon lu org buang2 sukahati jek.

    Camana lu leh terasa nak tegur org lain sdgkan lu lagi buruk dr kitorg?.Busuk2 ktrg , we never compromise rasuah n hypocrite.

    Ape yg wat lu rase lu bagus sgt ni?

  62. bumblebee...

    now the racist card is out... what else bro ? how about the keris ? nothing about the keris ?

    how about the Ketuanan Melayu ? how about that ?

    or maybe the NEP ? when are you gonna pull that out from your arse and out it in front of me ?

    how about the ISA ? or the article 153 in the constitution ?

    when la bro ???

    i can debate that until the kingdom come also... it won't change you that you are actually insignificant...

    joined PAS or PKR for all I care... not a free spirit that does not have a least those boys have my respect, they fight in what they believe in... compere to you... a anti establishment... anti government.. nothing is good to you unless someone put cash in your pocket... isn't that right bumblebug ?? or should i just call you kumbang taik ?

  63. Lu kene bedah otak lu sket bro.Kne keluar dari tingkap party lu tuh.Kalau lu terasa konon2 nak betulkan org la.

    Actually its nothing wrong with the party, tapi org dalam party yg otak nya sakit n terasa bagai bangsawan yang perlu di sanjung2.

    Rakyat tak mati kalau tak join party, tapi party akan mati kalau takde rakyat nak sokong.

    Thats people power bro.Sooner or later u goin to face it.

  64. xenan,

    huaaahh.... terror la lu mamat... "don't tolerate with rasuah" are you even in position to give or take rasuah la brader ?

    ko kaya sangat ke nak bagi rasuah kat orang ato ko nih gomen officer tinggi ke nak di rasuah kan ?

    kalo tak sampai kat situ... ko diam2 jerr lahh luncai !!!

  65. Woooo name calling are we now?

    Haha. See, thats where we differ. When we, the 'outcast' can remain calm, you, on the other hand, have to wave ur keris, resort to violence to prove ur point.

    And, did you say we are anti establishment? Anti government? Where the fuck did you get that idea, bro?

    Dang, you seriously need some seeeerious overhaul deep in the pit of ur brain.

    Now, calling us insignificant, is just another way of how snobbish u UMNO PUTERA people. you people corrupt this country. And we, the 'insignificant' pay the price.

    Ewww.. giler jijik gua dgn spesis lu ni. I mean, seriously, UMNO is ur ultimate choice? Really?? I mean, seriously?? Without doubt UMNO is the savior?

    Kah kah kah!

    Lantak lu ler bro.
    Dont want anything to do with UMNO money. Like AbgJoe, we are all content working our ass off earning an honest day living. Thank you very much.

    But, ewwwww.. you disgust me.

  66. ehh lampu xenon,

    that is what i said... there is nothing wrong with the party... it is some of the people... baca la tulisan aku xenon ! sebelum ko nak comment...

    when you want to change the people...the best is from inside... not barking from outside....

    1000 people talking inside, it will be heard la friend...

    compere to your barking... worff worff !!!


    Hear ye.. Hear ye..

    Our Most Notable Commentators Comment of the Day...

    By none other than En Aizli Shahar, The Malay Who Fly Planes, admit that the riches and the powerful are the ones who conforms to bribery.

    Hear ye.. hear ye...

    "don't tolerate with rasuah" are you even in position to give or take rasuah la brader ?

    ko kaya sangat ke nak bagi rasuah kat orang ato ko nih gomen officer tinggi ke nak di rasuah kan ?

    kalo tak sampai kat situ... ko diam2 jerr lahh luncai !!!

    Like I said, this spesis of UMNO people are sooooooooooo disgusting.
    Go screw the Indonesians la. Leave Malaysians out of your corrupt self! urghhhhhhhh.

    geli siakkkk

  68. hahaha

    level exco pemuda umno nyer hujah ke nih?

    Slain dari rendah2kan org ape lagi hujah lu, bodohkan mak bapak org ape lagi hujah lu ?

    Pastuh suruh wa diam.Hahaha.

    pitty la lu ni manusia kuno

  69. wa kesian gile dah ngn lu n level intelek lu.

    Oi kesian,

    Lu nak ubah UMNO gi mampos ngn lu la.Kitorang dah tanam UMNO dlm kubur dah. Tak dapat diselamatkan.

    Kitorg nak ubah Malaysia.Parti lu haram tak important pon.Yg penting Malaysia la ngok.

    Malaysia bukan UMNO dan sikit lagi nanti UMNO bukan kerajaan Malaysia.

    Hurmm..gua tak rase lu paham konsep kenegaraan n nasionalisma sebenar pon.


  70. haha..d only that can come out fr u,stray dog?is that only?
    xnk ckp,x bersyukur kt krajaan sbb
    buat jln,bg pndidikn?ckp la.ko
    igt kitorg ni uneducated malay ke,senang2 being offended?hahaha...
    dari dlm la ni,bukn nye
    nk ubah dr uganda barat daya pon.kt org ajar ape i2 demorasi kpd rkyat.pngundi2 tegar totok umno n pas,dh makin kurg dah.dah tua.1st thing first,parlimen kasi tukar freinds,it's just matter of time,ur party will b gone when oil money is finished.i2
    paling last leh survive la...ini zamn internet brader.bukn zamn sembang kdai kopi.bukn zamn ceramah.bukn zamn sminggu BTN,persepsi leh brubah.zamn mahatir leh sembang la...

  71. plus,ko penah dgr citer burung kecik ambik air dlm paruh die,siram hutan terbakar.kne gelak je dgn gajah n haiwan2 lain?
    or ko lg suke citer babi?
    mcm ni pnye mentaliti,byk negara xmerdeka.ireland kne jajah dgn brit,
    diorg ad resistance.but mlysian history?kt xperlu pertumpahan darah.

  72. Aizley Shahar,
    Are you out of your fuvking mind? Come on calm down. Be in control. It's obvious when the thing getting tough you easily squandered it. You inevitably looked like a asshole. All supporters of a UMNO's wing Putera pray to God & want you to be yourself, be the UMNO's savior on this debate. Be calm, don't show any flaws to our rivals. Remember of what we're always be reminded in any BTN & UMNO courses of, that dogma of only UMNO can rule the nation. The truth must prevail. So just dance with your rebel. Buy yourself some time by agreeing to disagree with them at some points. You must always remain calm.

    Be tough son! Don't be a disgrace to UMNO. Don't let them blowing your minds. Put more weight in your arguments. Please, this time around, with more venom. Snap their hands if you've the chance. Until then you'd put back a smiling face on us. Remember what UMNO & RMC have done to your life. You must be grateful for all that. Now, just ram down the group (Evelyn, Xenan, AbgJoe, Rakuban & others) as we knew you played rugby while in the RMC back then. Didn't you?

    Run out of ammunition? Need SOS back-up? You'd always welcome to bring on a few of your higher officials in UMNO over here. Maybe you'd like to call reinforcement of some UMNO-troopers. That would help you alot. So why wait? You must not lose to this bunch of guys - you called them anti-establishment or the 'People Power' revolutionists. Don't you ever screw it up, shame on UMNO! It'll disclose that UMNO's top men're just naive,incompetent & unreliable upon.

    As you said, you can be the most civilized person but you failed to shone. We must not show the people we'd resort to violence, or threaten them of using the ISA & all sorts just to prove our points. No need! That's not a smart move. Just get in there.. show us how we the RMC boys fight. This debate ain't a rocket science. We expect you to win this game of mind. Tough it, boy! Take no prisoners - Evelyn, Xenan, AbgJoe, Rakuban & others. Beat it!

  73. ak rs org umno,jgn lpak sini.
    keje si AT ni mngutuk encik hadi ah wang je.die buat kerje umno.jtuhkn pmimpin PAS.cume ad 1hari je die jd bdoh.btukar jd padi gen bdoh,padi ad yg pndai dgn bdoh ke.i2 je.lain hr die jd "erdogan".
    ptt umno kasi upah la kt die ni.
    tpp se-ingat ak hr 2die mntak 12juta..myb sum1 leh bg die 12juta rupiah.nnt leh g jenjalan kat klo nk g jakarta xyah susah.g klang je sudey

  74. kah kah kah... korang layan laaa si aizley tuh... Old Putera Associaton pun tak amik port pesal dia... Old Puteras pun tak amik port... korang pulak yg sebok nak amik port... kah kah kah...

  75. -kah kah kah..btula wa ckp, sape2 pun bile msuk umno scara automatik nyer IQ n EQ akan jd zero srta merta..kah kah kah..

    -tgk la KJ, ape yg x mnarik psal mamat nie, tp bile msuk umno, ilang otak oxford die, plis ar, sape2 yg nk brhujah ngan umno totok , xyah la nk brhujah psal rasuah sebabnye..

    "don't tolerate with rasuah" are you even in position to give or take rasuah la brader ?

    ko kaya sangat ke nak bagi rasuah kat orang ato ko nih gomen officer tinggi ke nak di rasuah kan ?

    kalo tak sampai kat situ... ko diam2 jerr lahh luncai !!!

    -blum lg dgr komen madey psal rasuah nie mase die brkuasa dulu..

    "rakyat undi saya, saya bina jalanraya, adakah itu rasuah?"

    -see?..ahli umno susah nk membezakan antara rasuah or x, sbb rasuah nie sudah sebati ngan diri..

    -aizley, jgn ko kate ko naik jd exco, tnpa rasuah, trcirit aku depan pc ni nti..


  76. wow.."menang sorak !!"

    "yaaayyy !!!!"

    "yaaaayyyy !!!!"

    "tepuk tangan !!! yaaaayyyy !! "

    Melayu2 kat sini semua terror... Cina dok sebelah, tak payah buat ape... biar Melayu sendiri yang bunuh Melayu...

    This is a typical attitude that you would find in any parts of Malaysia..i'm actually not surprise..

    See, this is actually what is happening in the bigger picture... If you look at what is happening in Malaysia..

    PKR and PAS is just another "vehicle" for DAP to control the country... without both this suckers, there is no way the can get Malay votes...

    Did you guys know, In Perak, as an example, in the short term the PR was in Government, Nizar and Nga and Ngok decided to give some of the Malay reserve land to the Chinese to lease hold to 999 years ?
    999 Tahun tuuu.... gila ke aperr...

    that is just to name an example for your so called People Power ie Pakatan Rakyat intentions....

    so, Melayu, Tepuk lah... tepuk... !!! horeeeyyyyyy !!!! memang sorakkan ko tu.. korang menang... fuyooo....

    "Menang Sorak, Kampung tergadai !!"

  77. Aizley,

    Sudahlah... kau ni merapu benda yg dah lama diperjelaskan. Hal2 di Perak tu yg untung nya org melayu lebih lagi daripada bukan melayu.

    Kalau kau masih lagi bercakap pasal hal2 ini, samada kau ni bodoh bangang tak faham2 ataupun kau faham tapi saja buat2 lupa.

    Bila kau keluarkan isu2 begini, menampakkan kau ni serupa dgn pemimpin2 UMNO lain tu yg sudah tiada idea dan hanya melemparkan tuduhan2 yg tidak berasas yg sama berulang-ulang.

    Macam ini ke kau kata nak perbetulkan UMNO dari dalam? Tak ada usaha hendak berubah pun walaupun dari segi berhujah. Zaman dah berubah, melayu jenis macam kau ni yg tak berubah. 100% masuk UMNO hanya lah semata-mata kerana nak dapatkan duit.

    UMNO nak jaga melayu? Aku nak muntah dengar ayat ni.

  78. hahaha kesian..

    cerita dongeng lu tak lut kat non partisan.Terasa pon tak le.Kitrg kritik PR lagi power n real dr hujah2 bodo lu tuh.

    kesimpulan hipotesis org dlm UMNO

    -walau parpu itu hodoh dan bodoh, pemikiran dan hujahannya tetap sama bodoh dengan seorang yang kacak n belajar obersea.

  79. Hehehe ...Don't talk shit ere lah Aizley Shahar. Kalau pasal politik Perak, DAP all sorts pun u know fuck, or macam AbgJoe kata, mungkin lu saja buat tak tahu, tu maknanya lu memang penipu. Penipu tahap tertinggi lah pasal lu EXCO Putera Pusat pulak tu. Harus jadi, kerana memang dasar UMNO dulu, kini & selamanya ni pun berjaya melahirkan penipu yang berjaya pada pandangan mata di dunia ni. Berjaya menipu rakyat dalam byk hal. Kalau tak tipu & bodohkan intelek rakyat UMNO dah lama jahanam, kalah PRU. DS Nizar tu Melayu lagi Islam, apasal UMNO tak support? DAP dijadikan alasan untuk rampas kuasa. Sedangkan hampir semua jika tak semua perkara DS Nizar buat memang menguntungkan semua bangsa termasuk juga Melayu. Lu setakat hujah macam tu, sama level parpukari saja. Shame on u!

    UMNO is disgusting! Sini kami, many if not all, dah buang UMNO. Tak sokong dah. Kami sama ada non partisan atau pro PR saja. UMNO welcome to read only. Komen ok tapi hal ilmiah lain selain ideologi basi UMNO. Any comments lebih-lebih pasal nak sokong/jilat UMNO, tak dialu-alukan. Kalau kami kawan orang UMNO pun sebab silaturahim saja. UMNO is history to us.

    UMNO ni parti punya budaya hidup yang sesat lagi menyesatkan. Kata perjuang nasib Melayu TAPI ramai Melayu merempat di negara sendiri. Memang salah UMNO. Why? UMNO perintah negara lebih 50 tahun pun tak boleh selesai hal sepenting tu. Melayu yang kaya-raya hanya segelintir itu pun banyak jilat pegawai kerajaan & orang atasan dalam UMNO, cawangan, bahagian, negeri & dlm kerajaan pusat(DEB? Thanks fuck DEB = FAILED).. Nak ramaikan lagi jutawan Melayu, UMNO ask for more fucking time, guys? Lagi mau tipu kita...Get the hell out of here.

    Ahli UMNO tahu duit kerajaan tu duit UMNO...duit kerajaan tu duit rakyat semua bangsa dalam Malaysia sial lah UMNO, tu pun tak paham? Duit rakyat macam duit sendiri, atau, duit mak bapak dia saja. Kikis selagi mahu. Amaln biasa & semua orang pun tahu, hampir semua projek kerajaan semua pulun kat orang depa & kroni depa. Orang tak sama ideologi dipinggirkan. Kata nak tolong orang kita? Bukankah amalan sebegitu hanya merosakkan perpaduan sesama Melayu? Penipu!
    Kot ada duit orang kita pun dalam tabung Baitulmal negeri-2..duit zakat dsb.

    Itu belum hal perkauman, Islam lagi...ah muntah aku nak cerita pasal silap UMNO ni.

  80. btw, GONG XI FA CHAI to u too Aizley Shahar.

  81. - ptut la si aizley nie duk salak2 ayat 'menang sorak, kg trgadai', rupenye die refer cite tnah kat perak psal geran 999 thun tue..ptutla bile wa ckp psal tnah melayu kt sekitar lembah klang nie abis dikikis oleh cukong mlalui anjingnya (umno), die buat blurr jer, sudahnye hujah die, x sume parti perfect so kite kna btulkan dr dalam..khak tuih!!!..

    -lu aggap umno tue house, tp kbyakan kitorang kt sini aggap umno tue tong taik yg brkarat yg menyusahkan rakyat disebabkan baunya, kedudukannya, mnganggu khidupan manusia.xde mase nk btulkan tong taik yg brkarat, so ape yg pasti kitorang brtekad nk buang tong taik yg lu anggap sbg 'rumahku syurgaku' itu..

    - wlaupun lu exco , ade pndidikan, ade brbagai akses utk tau crite sbenar tapi lu tetap bodoh!!..isu tnah kat perak tue, btul ke yg lu tau cume psal nizar bg geran tanah kat cina 999 thun je?lu dah search kt goole dah?lu dah bace sume statement brkaitan tnah tu?..biar btul bro, jgn malukan taraf ilmu lu ngan pndedahan cmni, lu merendahkan martabat lu depan org ramai nie, ke lu sbenarnya tahu cite sbenar tp wat2 bodo dan kuarkan statement brbentuk provok utk mereka2 yg mayb tak komen n cume bace komen saje disini?..dgn harapan rakyat akan mnyokong umno?..hahahaha...FAKAP LA UMNO!!!!!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. bro... minggu lepas wa pegi teganu la..... wa ada projek langgar presiden PAS... hahahahahaha..... takde la.... wa ada meeting sambil bawak anak bini makan angin kat negeri paling maju di Malaysia nun..... wah!!! tak sangka yer anak buah Isa datang cari keje kat negeri wa ni..... tahniah bro.... nampaknya lu dah makin bertukar kulit jadi ore kelante la....

  84. Salam and Gong Xi Fah Chai to all Chinese bloggers and readers...

    Firstly, after reading a few comments from the people here... i would say that they have made their mind on what they would do or support for the next GE... so no point in trying to get the "crocked" to walk straight, let them be, we need "dogs" anyway to bark at the Govt, if not the international community would think that we are not a democratic country, let the next GE prove to you that what i said is right, and my voice is actually the voice of the silent majority of Malaysian...

    My advise to them for the next GE... do your responsibility and vote for the party or whom ever that you think is best to run the country....and good luck to you all..

    As from our perspective, we are very confident that we will win with a land slide in the next GE... that i can promise you...

    There is a lot of issues that actually alienated PR component from the so called people who sits on the fence and also the hard core supporters...

    I actually met a few from PAS...they are actually family members of mine...i asked them on what they think about the current issues that has been spinning around and they are not actually happy ie example on the ALLAH issues...that my friend is the biggest mistake for PAS leadership... they did not hear the grassroot, who are facts are hard-core hudud islamic extreme, who actually put them in office... I do understand however why PAS leadership in turn, had to give in the the request of the partner DAP to support their standing on the issue...but this has actually upset PAS grassroots... however, in turn, PAS have portrayed a more liberal outlook to win the heart and mind of the non-bumi(s).

    This later on you will see a cross-positioning placements of candidates by the PR...where the PAS candidate will compete in a majority non-bumi populated area while DAP will do the vice versa... It seem that they are going toward this direction, but i am not for certain...but they need to do this if they are doing the same stances in future controversial issues if they are planning to win...

    i will give you an example, for instances, YB Khalid Samad has a better chances in winning in Kepong or Seputeh then he will ever be if he try to compete in Shah Alam because of the recent incident on his stances on the Allah issues...majority of the muslims is against what he stand for... however, the non-muslim on the other hand wants a liberal PAS thinker like Khalid Samad to diffuse the hudud calling hard-core muslims...we will see won't we...

  85. As for PKR... as I am writing this posting, we have 5 possible walk-over from PKR... a few more are waiting and see the outcome of AI court case... some of these MPs are very seasoned politician... and I agreed, the last GE, BN lost because the rakyat in general has lost confidence in Pak Lah Administration.... and now, since Najib took over, there is a lot of improvements then previous administration...People are now more mature in voting because of empty promises by the PR Govt ie like in Penang now, Lim Guan Eng is having a tough time running the Island, "It is easier to be the criticizer then actually running the state huh Guan Eng ..?"
    At that time also AI had give the the idea of him as the "pembela" for the rakyat cause., a romantic connotation, as if he was Robin Hood but actually he is Robin in a Hood...hahaha..but later, a lot had realised that AI is there because of himself, a self centered who would use and do anything to get what he really wants and that is to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia... no other reason.. a lot of his close supporter have and are leaving him as we speak...

    As for DAP, believe it or not, compere to the other 2 parties, they are actually true to their colours.. I have all the respect for Lim Kit Siang, even though i might not be his supporter or believe in his cause(s)... he is a true and true politician... he do not bow to anyone... he do not compromise on the core values of DAP.... they might not win and run Malaysia as how UMNO is doing by the mere fact that Chinese is only about 30% of the population, but they would survive another millennium...that again I promise you...

    The next GE we believe that PKR will actually take a back seat behind PAS and DAP, which will be in the drivers seat in much of a party of Bangsa Malaysia..

  86. brader,

    buhsan la dgn citer lu.Lu kasi najib pas test ekonomi sampai bulan 6 nih.

    Gua harap die tak bawak malaysia ke neraka.

  87. Aizley Shahar

    I read with pride and solute your patience in entertaining all these shallow minded commentators. I hope you continue the perjuangan and pray that more Pemuda Umno members come out and fight all these lies in the cyberworld.

    "Negaraku. Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku"

    Budak Kelana Jaya

  88. Budak Kelana Jaya,

    Thank you sir for your support... you are among the silent majority that knows really knows how to weight the good and bad among all... I'm not saying BN is good 100% nor PR is wicked all the way.. but at this very moment, i would bet on BN and continue to do so because that is the least among 2 evil...

    I only do what i do for the love of the country... much to disappointment to people here to think i'm getting a big juicy contract from the local government...not true at all....

    Malaysia is unique in its own way... and the equilibrium that has been set by our forefather and in the Reid Commission should not be question...

    These are the few things that sometimes we need to advise our generations, be it Malay, Indian or Chinese...

    We we a happy multi-ethnic people because of this balance.... until one group wanted more...and my job is to remind everyone what is agreed upon before...

    here is a cutting from a friend that i would like to share with you all... he sums it all quite nicely although you have to mind his language because he has no love for the Chinese Malaysian...

    "And mired in that personal failing like a pig atranded in mucks of shit, the Chingkie cannot but face the truth: that he is innately stupid. For how could anything else explain the glaring fact that the great Chingkie Middle Kingdom has not bequethed anything of note to mankind. Close to 2 billion hogs cannot produce a Toyota, a Sony, an Intel nay not even a Nike.

    2000 thousand years of claimed civilisation cannot even conquer any land beyond its seven seas let alone muster a navy to fight off the marauding West bent on prising open its closed door or even use its selfproclaimed mastery over gunpowder and the art of war to thwart the Manchu barbarian.

    The civilised self still wiping its arse with shreds of paper while not even being able to extend its land territories beyond the Kun Lun for almost 2 millenia save for hapless Tibet and Xinjiang. Yeah folks, the son of heaven stares at a barren cupboard of success whilst the supposedly inferior Japanese ravished it senseless and rose from the ruins of war to give us technological marvels. Why! even "puny" Malacca- a city state named after a tree but led by intellectually superior Malays with dignity could give the Siamese a bloody nose two times over without any Chingkie overlord's assistance (the first conjob of Chingkiedom in local annals, yeah, extort bunga emas on the promise of "protection" like the typical local triad gangster of today),build an empire as far as Sulawesi and fashion a legend as distant as Lisbon and Venice.

    1. talk of FDI drying up is sheer Chingkie garbage as the stats show.

    2. using our superior intellect we can maximise our returns without an onerous outlay. No way was this refering to the local property sector.

    3. Only a moronic ethnic group like the Chingkies have an abnormally obsessive infatuation for perception based, unempirical stuff for such a fixation also tallies with their own fixation with the Self, the outer grand facade hiding the inner pigshit."

    Again, plse excuse my friend's language... he tends to be flowery when talking about the Chinese...


  89. Urgh. Aizli, u cannot come up with something original eh?

    This is like reading Utusan Meloya. Go fly kites la.

  90. Bumblebee Kumbang,

    you, I have written off your yellow face, as far as my concern, you ain't worth the effort nor you are even in my target group... no need to address me again...

    if you don't want to can go n fcukin' fly kite...

  91. Aizley,

    Take yr rhetorics and shove it up yr ass.

    Hari ni terbukti lagi orang join UMNO hanya untuk buat duit. Sorang lagi Setpol menteri kanan UMNO kena tangkap sebab tiba-tiba jadi kaya lepas pegang jawatan setpol tu.

    Kau cakap apa pun pasal UMNO - nak bela melayu ke nak bela ugama ke, semua tu boleh campak lombong. Hakikatnya ialah orang masuk UMNO sebab nak kaya. UMNO adalah majoriti Adun di P Pinang 2004-2008 tapi aku tengok Cina jugak yg jadi Ketua Menteri, aku tengok sehingga 2008, melayu makin terpinggir di P Pinang. UMNO bela melayu yang macamana tu?

    Melayu P Pinang makin miskin tapi pemimpin UMNO P Pinang makin kaya? Aku bagi contoh yg nyata - ZAINAL ABIDIN BIN OSMAN (UMNO Nibong Tebal) semakin kaya raya semasa dia jadi Timbalan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, banyak projek luar bandar yg adik beradik dia dapat masa tu.

    Ni belum cerita lagi Khir Toyo...kau nak kata Khir Toyo tu kaya dgn usaha dia sendiri?

  92. Joe,

    hahaha... now i know what you are... you actually the kind yang frust tak dapat project...

    dok cerita pasal duit-duit project dengki apahal Joe ?

    relax la bro... dia orang nak kaya cara tak betul... lama2 kena jugak, tak kena skarang, klo lu orang Islam, akhirat dia kena jawab la bro... yang ko nak iri hati apahal ? takkan ada pingat PhD kat ko tuuu...

    PhD for Malay like joe is Pingat Hasad Dengki... typical Malay tok tok...tak boleh tengok orang lain senang.. lo dok diam2 jer lahh...biar MACC buat kerje... dah kena tangkap dah sekor Pol Sec Md Noor, it is been done...

    mesti lu frust sedara mara lu tak tolong lu kan... walaupun dia orang MT... tapi lu mase susah jugak... tapi bro, lu dok cakap pasal cronyism, tapi lu dok tak puas hati diaorang buat duit... don't get u la bro...

    actually, your kind memang la ramai...sepecially melayu...sad to say lah....

    Joe, perjuangan takde kira wang ringgit la bro... the moment you say something about money and have no right to talk here la bro...

  93. cara yg terbaik tukar kerajaan.baru la politic activist leh wat nk ckp sket kne ISA.ape barang.skang ni kt ptt leh ckp psl renewable energy.CO2 nye level.bnde2 mcm 2la ptt dbincngkn.ini x abis2 dgn mlayu.
    yang jadi mslhnye,kt negara lain.ahli politik jadi kuda kapiali,ekonomi xjahanam.ini kapitalis mlayu bodoh ni.nk jd kapitalis tp xpndai.abis smua kaput.ak xkesah sgt projek sp nk amik,tp klo jlnraya,2thn br siap,dh jhnam.klo nek moto dh mcm naik jet ski.beromabak2.menteri boleh la naik bmw,merc.ape lg 2porsche...jd ksimpulannye xyah la
    bazir mase nk demolish rumah 2,ye kwn2 smua.tngal kn je la.xyah amik port...ak bet parlimen kalah je,rmai la ahli2 rumh 2fled out of country..parti smua x jln.plincir xde mcm mn nk jln.sape la nk pnjat2,pasang bndera...?tell me.sape?


  95. ape yang korang merepek ni..,taj yahla amik port..yang penting gaji masuk bulan2..


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